We have reached a point of no return where technology needs to be seen as an indissoluble partnershipof good medical practices. In the same way that we no longer imagine ourselves dialing a phone, orwaiting for the dial-up connection, it no longer makes sense to give up what science and technology have given us.offer to bring quality of life and responsible care to so many patients, in all areas ofMedicine, especially in Ophthalmology.The remote diagnosis, the sharing of opinions and the remote participation of specialists whoare thousands of kilometers away is a reality. Colleagues who work in primary care, based onin places that were once called remote, can count on the participation of ultra-specialistsin their diagnoses and use technology to receive opinions about an eye fundus, for example.Thus, the Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology, once again, fulfills its social role and gives us acomplete work – based on the best practices and built by so many hands and minds – on the adoptionof telemedicine in Ophthalmology. From the most basic principles of the distance service concept towhat makes the adoption of the most varied aspects of telemedicine not only feasible, but alsoessential, we have here a work to be read, reread and, why not, lived by each one of us.